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  • The triangular relationship , December 21, 2009 Edition 46
    • "Criminal neglect" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "A crucial but problematic triangle" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Playing with fire" - by Chuck Freilich
    • "An adversarial relationship that inspires little hope" - an interview with George Giacaman
  • The Israeli settlement construction freeze , December 14, 2009 Edition 45
    • "The ball is now with the international community" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Dealing with Mr. Yes and No" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "The moment of truth" - by Issa Samander
    • "Rupture and its rewards" - by Yisrael Harel
  • The Swedish EU initiative on Jerusalem , December 7, 2009 Edition 44
    • "The Swedish initiative as metaphor" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Israeli pressure must be resisted" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Neither revolutionary nor trivial" - by Daniel Seidemann
    • "A timely wake-up call" - an interview with Mahdi Abdul Hadi
  • Alternatives to the bilateral process , November 23, 2009 Edition 43
    • "Two alternatives: backward or forward" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Two alternative paths" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Where next for Palestinians?" - by Ghada Karmi
    • "Is there a nice way to say "an imposed solution?"" - by Gershon Baskin
  • Obama's options , November 16, 2009 Edition 42
    • "Reverse your approach" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Recognize Palestinian statehood now" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Obama's impossible vision" - by Yisrael Harel
    • "Peace or process?" - by Akram Baker
  • The settlement freeze and the peace process , November 9, 2009 Edition 41
    • "Settlement construction contradicts negotiations" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "From settlement freeze to baby steps" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Credit where it's due" - by Joharah Baker
    • "The deep freeze" - by Amnon Lord
  • Palestinian unity: ramifications for Israeli-Palestinian relations , October 26, 2009 Edition 39
    • "Palestinian unity is against Israeli interests" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Time to deal separately with Gaza" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Palestinian reconciliation and the peace process" - by Walid Salem
    • "Only lack of unity will produce two states" - by Ron Pundak
  • The challenges facing the Mitchell mission , October 19, 2009 Edition 38
    • "Obama's mistakes" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "The conventional route will not bring us peace" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Mitchell's mission impossible" - by Efraim Inbar
    • "This is not Northern Ireland" - by Mustafa Abu Sway
  • Goldstone, Jerusalem and the future of negotiations , October 12, 2009 Edition 37
    • "The Goldstone report and its ramifications for Palestinian politics" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Damage survey" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Of tunnels, Goldstone and the "peace process"" - by George Giacaman
    • "Bibi's rival" - by Aluf Benn
  • If the peace process is renewed , September 14, 2009 Edition 36
    • "Here we go again" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Reviving the peace process?" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Three corridors" - by Nimrod Novik
    • "Last chance for a two-state solution" - an interview with George Giacaman
  • Palestinian unilateralism , September 7, 2009 Edition 35
    • "A conducive environment for unilateral Palestinian action" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Israel and UDI" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Palestinian unilateralism requires a minimum of unity" - by Daoud Kuttab
    • "Consider welcoming Palestinian unilateralism" - by Gilead Sher
  • Four years to the Gaza withdrawal , August 31, 2009 Edition 34
    • "We can do better" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Israeli unilateralism undermines the peace process" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Disillusionment and deterrence" - by Amnon Lord
    • "An historic step" - an interview with Eyad Sarraj
  • Roadmap phase III revisited , August 24, 2009 Edition 33
    • "Israeli government is the last obstacle to Phase III" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Try a limited Phase II" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Sharing the fate of the Arab Peace Initiative" - by Mustafa Abusway
    • "No backtracking from Phase III" - by Akiva Eldar
  • Roadmap phase II revisited, August 17, 2009 Edition 32
    • "Obama is deep into phase II" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Optional and problematic" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Just talk peace" - by Yossi Beilin
    • "The second stage should be bypassed" - by Walid Salem
  • Roadmap phase I revisited, August 3, 2009 Edition 30
    • "Still relevant" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Hostage to Israeli intransigence" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "The Palestinians burned the roadmap" - by Yisrael Harel
    • "A crucial test" - by Mkhaimar Abusada
  • Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem , July 27, 2009 Edition 29
    • "East Jerusalem is crucial to two-state solution" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Working at cross-purposes" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "More than "obstacles to peace"" - by Mousa Qous
    • "A Jewish obligation to live in Jerusalem" - by Mordechai Kedar
  • Solana's proposal for a UN-imposed settlement, July 20, 2009 Edition 28
    • "A sign of the times" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Is the political will there?" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Solana throws us a life-line" - by Avraham Burg
    • "Proceed with caution" - by Joharah Baker
  • Are settlements an obstacle to peace talks? , July 13, 2009 Edition 27
    • "Negotiations and settlement construction cannot coexist" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "For our own good" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Freezing settlement construction a defining test of Israel's intentions" - by Daoud Kuttab
    • "Clarifying US policy" - by Dore Gold
  • Can Hamas be part of the political process?, July 6, 2009 Edition 26
    • "Test Hamas intentions separately" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "The stick-and-stick approach has failed" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Try including Hamas" - by Shlomo Brom
    • "The world must engage Hamas" - an interview with Ahmed Yousef
  • Revelations regarding the Abbas-Olmert peace talks , June 29, 2009 Edition 25
    • "A fundamental difference of understanding" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "A blow to the chances for peace" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Accounts of the Annapolis process" - by Mkhaimar Abusada
    • "A critical absence of urgency" - by Yariv Oppenheimer
  • The Iran factor, June 22, 2009 Edition 24
    • "Less of a preoccupation" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Weakening the Islamist" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "A fleeting opportunity" - by Yossi Melman
    • "An earthquake deferred" - an interview with Mahdi Abdul Hadi
  • Netanyahu's speech on the peace process , June 15, 2009 Edition 23
    • "A farcical position on statehood" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Walking between the raindrops" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Thus spoke Netanyahu" - by Mustafa Abu Sway
    • "Go dance in the streets" - by Yisrael Harel
  • Obama's Cairo speech, June 8, 2009 Edition 22
    • "A level US-Arab playing field" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Waiting expectantly" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Trust is not enough" - by Saul Singer
    • "A breeze of change" - by Ali Jarbawi
  • US policy between Netanyahu and Abbas II , June 1, 2009 Edition 21
    • "Change is in the air--but that means conflict" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Obama's learning curve" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Abbas speaks for himself alone" - an interview with Ahmad Yousef
    • "Abbas seizes opportunity to throw away opportunity" - by Barry Rubin
  • US policy between Netanyahu and Abbas, May 25, 2009 Edition 20
    • "Obama's order of priorities" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "An inclusive US policy is already forcing change" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Obama seeks Arab approval" - by Akiva Eldar
    • "Walking on hot coal" - by Mkhaimar Abusada
  • In the aftermath of Pope Benedict's visit , May 18, 2009 Edition 19
    • "A welcome spotlight" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "The wrong emphasis" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Christians, like all Palestinians, want to live in freedom" - by Fadi Abu Sada
    • "The Pope in the Holy Land" - by Shlomo Avineri
  • West Bank-Israel security issues, May 11, 2009 Edition 18
    • "Something to build on" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "A complicated and unilaterally imposed situation" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Security reform and the political process" - by Shlomo Brom
    • "Security transformation dependent on political progress" - by Mohammed Najib
  • The "Jewish state" demand and the Palestinian response , May 4, 2009 Edition 17
    • "Netanyahu is throwing obstacles in the way of peace" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Palestinians will have to find a formula" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Israel is on a dangerous path" - an interview with Eyad Sarraj
    • "No recognition" - by Yisrael Harel
  • Consequences of ongoing Palestinian division , April 20, 2009 Edition 15
    • "Developing apart" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "A strategy for dealing separately with the two Palestines" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Is it really time to throw in the towel?" - by Ali Jarbawi
    • "An Israeli achievement" - by Amira Hass
  • Lieberman and the Arab citizens of Israel , April 6, 2009 Edition 14
    • "Giving serious ideas a bad name" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "A dangerous mentality comes to the fore" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "I refuse to be on the defensive" - an interview with Mohammad Darawshe
    • "Formalizing discrimination" - an interview with Johnny Mansur
  • The Netanyahu government, March 30, 2009 Edition 13
    • "More of the same" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Talking to Syria is the key to managing with Palestine" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Exposed, but still immune to pressure" - an interview with Mkhaimar Abusada
    • "Dealing with a hostile political environment" - by Amnon Lord
  • The Olmert years , March 23, 2009 Edition 12
    • "A ritual of genial paralysis" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Talking one way, walking the other" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Olmert's Palestinian failures" - by Efraim Inbar
    • "The accidental prime minister" - by Mustafa Abu Sway
  • Ramifications of the Fayyad resignation, March 16, 2009 Edition 11
    • "Deep divisions may see Fayyad return" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "A microcosm of recent dynamics" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Too good to last" - by Daoud Kuttab
    • "Why did Fayyad resign?" - by Avi Issacharoff
  • The donors' conference and the Clinton visit , March 9, 2009 Edition 10
    • "More of the same" won't work" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Mixed signals in a complicated reality" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "The new administration signals it means business" - by Oded Eran
    • "Financial support a two-edged sword" - an interview with Walid Salem
  • The Palestinian reconciliation dialogue and the conflict, March 2, 2009 Edition 9
    • "The Obama effect may positively influence Palestinian dialogue" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Not now" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Serious talks to seize the moment" - an interview with Ghazi Hamad
    • "Let there be reconciliation" - by Zvi Bar'el
  • Israel, Gaza, war crimes , February 23, 2009 Edition 8
    • "A message for Washington, Brussels and Cairo as well as Jerusalem" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "There must be recourse to law" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Ensuring accountability" - by Jessica Montell
    • "We have no right to forget or forgive" - an interview with Raji Sourani
  • After Israel's elections, February 16, 2009 Edition 7
    • "Radical trend can still be reversed" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Too early for despair" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "No more process for the sake of negotiations" - an interview with Sufyan Abu Zaida
    • "Much depends on the Americans" - by Galia Golan
  • Israel's elections: the Palestinian context , February 9, 2009 Edition 6
    • "Another Palestine-dominated election goes nowhere" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "A dangerous lurch to the right" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "The elections are not important" - by Yossi Sarid
    • "New Israeli reality only worsens Palestinian prospects" - by Ziad Abu Zayyad
  • Mitchell, February 2, 2009 Edition 5
    • "Mitchell faces radical changes" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "The Mitchell paradox" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "New salesman, same old merchandise" - by Khader Khader
    • "The situation and Mitchell" - by Amnon Lord
  • The (political) day after the war , January 26, 2009 Edition 4
    • "One entity or two" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Dramatic consequences may be opportunity for US administration" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Hamas emerges defiant" - by Mustafa Abu Sway
    • "Israel is trying to impose its terms" - an interview with George Giacaman
  • Obama , January 19, 2009 Edition 3
    • "Great and immediate challenges" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "The meaning of the Gaza war" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Barack Hussein Obama is human" - by Sam Bahour
    • "Gaza: change we can believe in" - by Alon Pinkas
  • War in Gaza: the diplomatic dimension , January 12, 2009 Edition 2
    • "Mismanaging the diplomatic phase" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "Third stage sees war and diplomacy proceed together" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Gaza's war of independence" - by Aluf Benn
    • "Israel is trying to impose its terms" - an interview with George Giacaman
  • War in Gaza II , January 5, 2009 Edition 1
    • "The outlines of an endgame" - by Ghassan Khatib
    • "Defining victory" - by Yossi Alpher
    • "No return to the status quo ante" - an interview with Ali Jarbawi
    • "The scenario neither side wanted" - by Yossi Beilin


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